What would a business need to make sure that they can stay ahead in this increasingly digital landscape? 

In an environment fueled by digital technology and capabilities, one of the most important considerations for any business, whether a multinational corporation or a fresh new start-up, is its ability to provide superior digital experiences for its customer. Consumers have increasingly learned to expect a more sophisticated and intuitive experience each and every time, so this now needs to encompass every digital touchpoint available. In fact, companies are now reporting that at least 80% of their customer interactions are digital in nature. So, for a business to stay competitive in the next few years, it’ll be crucial for them to be agile to the needs and expectations of consumers. Just what would a business need to make sure that they can stay ahead in this increasingly digital landscape? 

Enable scalable personalization with enterprise headless solutions

A big part of that engaging experience comes with the business’ ability to personalize and customize the digital journey each customer takes – particularly if the experience becomes part of the wider brand identity. While headless solutions are by no means a new development, enterprises have increasingly realized that it offers both high site performance and dynamic digital experiences. In a global research report, 92% of enterprises understand the importance of digital experiences in terms of their organization’s success with another 92% saying that implementing headless technology has made it easier to deliver consistent content experience.

Currently, over 64% of enterprise organizations use a headless approach – a 25% increase from 2019. While among those not currently using headless, more than 90% plan to evaluate headless solutions over the next 12 months, up 15% from 2019.

Enhance the experience with speed

Speed plays a part in the customer experience journey – with enterprises ranking in almost equal parts the speed of overall performance and page loads, to faster time to market with digital experiences, faster time to innovation and delivery of the omnichannel experience. Another factor is the speed of response to changing market conditions, which means enterprises need a solution that can flex and change along with the business needs. Headless solutions are highly compatible with third-party tools, and bring flexibility, extensibility and features that easily allow a business to scale when needed. For example, with a branding guideline in place, a headless solution can easily create pre-configured environments to roll out new features that can still be further personalized.

Strategic regional offices in this growth region further enable an enterprise to be closer to customers, literally and figuratively, by providing a significant reduction in round-trip latency. Servers that are physically closer also improve site load times, which then improves performance that is amplified on user experience and SEO.

Embracing Asia Pacific

Asia is at the forefront of the global e-commerce market and will account for 61.4% of the global market by 2024 largely due to a growing middle class, improving financial infrastructures and increasing internet penetration. In Southeast Asia alone, the number of internet users is set to grow 3.1% year over year in 2022 – the second fastest growing region in the world. Singapore is also slated as one of the most cloud-ready regions in Asia Pacific, with its government anticipated to move the bulk of its IT systems to commercial cloud services to deliver the best experiences for citizens. With the opening of its Australian office, WP Engine saw a 400% growth in customers over five years, with expected growth over the next five years with the recent opening of its Singapore office.

With these factors in play – headless solutions, speed in delivery and local servers in a region that’s ripe with growth opportunities – every business has the potential to arm themselves with the tools to create the best digital experience for their customers and succeed in this digital landscape.