Only 41% of tech marketers have a documented content marketing strategy, says research.

New research unveils that marketers in the technology sector are lagging behind their counterparts in other sectors in having a documented content marketing strategy.

Only 41% of all technology marketers have a documented content marketing strategy and 46% respondents say that their organisation’s content marketing is sophisticated/mature.

This is according to a report recently released by the Content Marketing Institute, MarketingProfs and IDG, titled “Technology Content Marketing Benchmarks, Budgets and Trends”.

The other key findings of the report included the following:

  1. Technology marketers made quick changes due to the pandemic: Most technology respondents agreed their organization made quick changes when the pandemic struck. The top two content marketing changes they made: changed targeting/messaging strategy (71%) and adjusted editorial calendar (66%). Eighty-four percent expect some of the changes they made to stay in effect for the foreseeable future.
  2. More technology marketers are using virtual events and livestreaming: The use of virtual events/webinars/online courses among technology marketers increased to 83% from 74% the previous year. The use of livestreaming increased to 33% from 13%. Marketers in large companies were more likely to report using livestreaming (53% vs. 33% of all respondents).
  3. More are successfully using content marketing to generate demand/leads: Eighty-six percent of all technology respondents reported success with using content marketing to generate demand/ leads in the last 12 months—up from 79% the previous year.
  4. They’re looking more closely at conversions and marketing qualified leads (MQLs): “Conversions” moved up to a top spot on the content marketing metrics list (up to 90% from 81% the previous year). In addition, the percentage who use MQLs as a metric increased to 77% from 64%, while the use of social media analytics decreased to 75% from 85%.
  5. Many anticipate website changes and investment in content creation for 2021: Technology respondents expected website enhancements (67%) and content creation (66%) to be top areas of content marketing investment in their organizations in 2021.