Programmatic DOOH, dayparting and peak-hour placement, and mobile retargeting powered the successful omnichannel campaign.

Yahoo has delivered its pilot programmatic digital out-of-home (DOOH) omnichannel campaign with global asset and wealth management company, Schroders – a first for both brands in Singapore and Southeast Asia, the media and technology company announced on 15 November.

Running from July to October, Schroders’ “Beyond Profit” campaign leveraged programmatic DOOH complemented by mobile retargeting capabilities over Yahoo’s omnichannel demand-side platform (DSP) to increase brand awareness, engage the right audiences and influence consumer behaviours.

“Programmatic DOOH is shaping the future of OOH, bringing the benefits of digital channels to the traditionally place-based medium and significantly lowering costs and barriers to entry typically associated with OOH media buys. Now, advertisers can combine the high impact of DOOH, in high-footfall locations, into omnichannel campaigns that are agile and scale quickly, reaching their audiences in hyper-targeted ways that seamlessly complement their daily habits,” shared Carol Tay, Senior Director Sales Southeast Asia, Yahoo.

A frictionless omnichannel campaign

With access to premium DOOH screens across Singapore through Yahoo’s omnichannel DSP, the campaign was launched across digital screens in Orchard and the Central Business District (CBD). Leveraging Yahoo’s omnichannel DSP and programmatic tools, the campaign sought to increase exposure and awareness for Schroders’ sustainable investment products and capabilities.

According to Yahoo, the DOOH-led omnichannel campaign tapped on programmatic buying of DOOH ads and utilised targeting tools such as dayparting and weather to reach consumers in high-footfall locations at the right time. The DOOH ads were strategically turned on during peak hours with high human traffic; ad placements in the CBD were prioritised during office days and hours and turned off during the weekend; while ad placements in Orchard were turned on during evenings and weekends, ensuring optimal efficiency to reach as many relevant audiences as possible in high-footfall areas and timings.

The frictionless omnichannel campaign utilised mobile retargeting to close the loop and drive click-throughs to Schroders’ website where audiences could find out more about their sustainability products and capabilities; audiences at 38 DOOH screens across key locations in Singapore that would have seen Schroders’ DOOH ads were also served native and display ads through Yahoo’s DSP.

This first DOOH-led omnichannel campaign with Schroders builds on Yahoo’s continuing growth in DOOH and emerging channels through its DSP, as it continues to unlock meaningful ways for brands to connect with the right consumers, said the company in its announcement. With access to more than 320 premium DOOH screens across Singapore through its partners, including VIOOH and Vistar Media, Yahoo will soon be expanding its DOOH inventory to high-footfall areas such as the airport.