Content Management Systems (CMS) play a crucial role in digital marketing. That’s why selecting a vendor for your organisation’s content management system (CMS) is a huge decision.

Content Management Systems (CMS) play a crucial role in digital marketing. That’s why selecting a vendor for your organisation’s content management system (CMS) is a huge decision.
With the evolution of the digital marketing landscape, what businesses require from their CMS has changed dramatically in recent years, making the selection process even more important.
Therefore, it’s vital to go through a well-planned vendor selection process and carry out the right due diligence to ensure you get the best fit for your business. Under-buying will leave you unable to achieve your objectives, while over-buying means paying for features for which teams are not ready, or which do not align with your digital strategy.
This London Research CMS Vendor Selection Guide, produced in partnership with Progress Software, a trusted provider of digital experience solutions, aims to clarify the overall process and the individual stages you need to go through before you sign a contract with your chosen vendor.
This guide equips you with the tools and framework you need to make the right decision in choosing the best vendor to meet your organisation’s needs.