KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia, March 7, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — On March 2nd, YBhg. Dato’ Lee Chee Weng represented the Lang International Corporate Titan Awards (LICTA) and held a simple yet grand appointment ceremony for the nomination committee. Several business leaders were invited to accept the appointment of LICTA, including:

  • Dato’ Lee Lin Fong, the founder of Lee & Partners, Advocate and Solicitor
  • Dr. Gan, founder of Genesis Academy
  • Iris Teoh, business development manager of Genesis Academy
  • Luke Saw Eng Loke, CEO of Adcellent Brand Building,Acing ASEAN
  • Khor King Lieh, Senior Partner of Ecovis Malaysia Tax Sdn Bhd
  • Lee Shek Fern, First Vice President of UOB Bank
  • Winson Chew, Founder of Kimda Hardware Sdn.Bhd
  • Jodie Tan, Founder of JTY NEW MEDIA

Lee Shek Fern, Khor King Lieh, Winson Chew, Lee Lin Fong, Iris Teoh, Jodie Tan, Dr. Gan, Luke Saw Eng Loke, Lee Chee Weng, Ace Wong, Isabella Dai
Lee Shek Fern, Khor King Lieh, Winson Chew, Lee Lin Fong, Iris Teoh, Jodie Tan, Dr. Gan, Luke Saw Eng Loke, Lee Chee Weng, Ace Wong, Isabella Dai

Furthermore, LICTA also issued a Brand Public Relations Commission to Soarits PR, Isabella Dai, and Ace Wong, who represented the acceptance of this honor. Soarits PR is a global media and brand communication service company, currently providing brand network communication services to LICTA.

LICTA, the beacon of Outstanding, Genuine, and Trustworthy, awards its annual certification to a select forty outstanding enterprises, and fosters a public-private sector ecosystem where businesses and influential figures collaborate to drive progress in society. Reputation, the bedrock of establishing and expanding connections in the business world, paves the way for a virtuous cycle of mutual aid, where reputable individuals converge to exchange knowledge, resources, and ideas. A conclave of society’s finest, including legendary business icons such as Buffett, Soros, and Jobs, will undoubtedly help engender a utopian society.

For entrepreneurs to succeed, they must possess a panoramic vision and wield the power of networking resources. The coveted Malaysia Business Award and Outstanding Enterprise Leader Nomination are the keys to enhancing a company’s reputation and unlocking the doors to the public-private sector ecosystem. LICTA, the visionary of sustainable business growth, unveils surprises at every turn of its ecosystem, leaving society in awe. It steadfastly provides a platform for business and influential figures to create value for society, while the Business Award and Outstanding Enterprise Leader Award attest to LICTA’s unwavering mission of excellence and a harmonious business ecology.

For more details, please visit: https://langawards.com/en/business-award-malaysia/