(Source: FirstPageSage)
2. 40% of B2B marketers identify LinkedIn as the primary channel for generating top-tier leads

Marketers who prioritize LinkedIn in their lead generation strategies can benefit from its targeted audience, content opportunities, networking capabilities, and data-driven insights to drive meaningful results. Regularly engage with your connections by commenting on their posts, sharing valuable content, and sending personalized messages. Join LinkedIn groups relevant to your industry or target audience and actively participate in discussions.

(Source: Sprout Social)
3. 84 days is the average B2B sales cycle period with a well-developed sales funnel
4. 75% of B2B customers favor a sales experience without the involvement of a representative
(Source: Gartner)
7. 97% of surveyed businesses reported achieving positive outcomes from their content marketing efforts

B2B marketers should prioritize organization, streamline processes, and maintain clear objectives. Identify inefficiencies in your current processes and streamline workflows wherever possible. Use tools and technology to automate repetitive tasks, improve collaboration between team members, and ensure tasks are completed efficiently.  Continuously monitor the progress of your marketing initiatives and regularly review performance metrics against your goals.

(Source: CoSchedule)

9. The global gamification market is projected to grow to USD123.87 billion by 2030

As I said before, gamification is the new diverse content in B2B marketing. It’s not surprising that businesses are increasingly recognizing the value of gamification in driving customer engagement, enhancing brand loyalty, and achieving business objectives.  Create interactive content experiences, such as quizzes, assessments, or interactive infographics, that allow clients to actively engage with your brand and products/services while learning valuable insights.

10. B2B marketing leaders allocate 20% of their marketing activity budget to demand-generation efforts