As Asian marketers await the impending gradual phaseout of third-party cookies, a recent report by Forrester revealed that 55% of media agencies in Asia Pacific are concerned or very concerned about this coming cookieless world.

The major source of concern lies in marketers’ lack of understanding on how to collect and interpret first-party data—due to the reliance on a long-standing third-party cookie media strategy, for instance.

To survive this change, marketers need to pivot their strategy and begin engaging consumers online in ways that align with the future of addressability. For this, the most talked about solution is zero-party data, which is information that consumers intentionally share with a brand. This data helps brands improve personalised advertising without relying on third-party cookies.

However, zero-party data is challenging to collect, and unless consumers recognise the value of doing so, most will be reluctant. 

Read this timely guide from Qualifio’s experts who tell you all about zero-party data and what strategies brands could use to collect this kind of data.