The Life-tech mobile app offers in-app advertising and promotion opportunities for marketers and also facilitates marketing challenges and B2C campaigns for brands.

Pentabase has launched its life-tech mobile app, GoalKeepin. Designed to help individuals and professionals stay focused on  achieving their goals, the mobile application spotlights a variety of challenges along with a  rewards system, announced the IT focused business consulting and marketing firm  headquartered in Singapore on 21 April.

GoalKeepin is easy-to-use and its minimalistic screen layout allows for easy  navigation, the company said in a statement.

“Setting goals are an excellent way to  fuel one’s ambition,” said Andrew Lee, Pentabase’s Chief Operating Officer. “Many successful individuals and high achievers set goals, giving them  both foresight and the motivation to achieve what they have set out for. We thought that the  best way to inspire the majority of individuals to stay focused on achieving their set goals is,  perhaps, to offer rewards. What better way to do that than to come up with a mobile  application that rewards users each time they successfully accomplish a set goal.”

Leveraging on a rewards system as a key motivator, the mobile application allows both  individuals and professionals to track their goals on a day-to-day basis. A minimum deposit of  SGD 10 is required to lock in users’ commitment, thus encouraging them to not give up on  their goals. The reward, which takes the form of a reimbursement for deposit fees, will be  awarded to users once they have achieved at least 85% of their goals in a set timeframe. This  rewards system allows end-users to cultivate good time-keeping habits and stay focused on  their priorities.

Goalkeepin offers in-app advertising and promotion opportunities for marketers and can help also facilitate marketing challenges and B2C campaigns for brands, company sources said.

“With the current climate where we are focusing primarily on digital marketing interactions, marketers are often in search of unique interactive activities to engage their target audience online,” said a Pentabase representative. “Other than the usual social media platforms and running digital ads, GoalKeepin is a good way to connect their community through mutual goals and enhance their identity.”