BEIJING, Sept. 19, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — A news report from on mourning the death of Queen Elizabeth II:

In 1986, Queen Elizabeth II paid a visit to China, following which she wrote a letter to then-Chinese President Li Xiannian conveying her appreciation of China’s hospitality, and her fondness of China’s ancient and vibrant civilization.

The historic China visit was the first ever by a British monarch. In a gesture of diplomatic goodwill, she returned a pair of gilded lion artifacts that the Eight-Nation Alliance looted from the Summer Palace in 1900, and brought a letter from Queen Elizabeth I to Ming Emperor Wanli in 1602 expressing the hope to develop bilateral trade. Unfortunately, the letter never made it into the emperor’s hands due to the untimely death of the messenger. In retrospect, we can say that this hope has been fulfilled.

During her 70-year reign, Queen Elizabeth II maintained close ties with China. Generations of Chinese leaders, including Deng Xiaoping, Jiang Zemin, Hu Jintao and Xi Jinping, have all had friendly exchanges with the Queen, with even some amusing anecdotes to be told.

Knowing that the Queen was sensitive to certain smells, Deng Xiaoping, a heavy smoker himself, did not light a single cigarette during his hours-long meeting with her. The Queen wrote a letter to thank Deng’s thoughtful gesture.

In 1999, during then-President Jiang Zemin’s visit to the U.K., the Queen said that she was born in the same year as President Jiang. According to the Chinese zodiac, both of them were born in the Year of the Tiger. 

Queen Elizabeth II was also greatly fond of Chinese culture. She stored a fine porcelain collection at Windsor Castle, and even ordered a Chengni stone teapot from China for her grandson Prince William and his wife Kate as a wedding gift which was aptly named zaosheng guizi – a common wish for newly married couple to have children soon.

Why is Queen Elizabeth II remembered by the Chinese people?

It’s because the respect that she’s always held for China, her true fondness of Chinese culture, and the importance she attached to China-UK relations. Queen Elizabeth II had devoted decades of her life to building a bridge that links our two nations. President Xi once said “Queen Elizabeth II has long been caring about and supporting China-UK friendship, and is a witness to and promoter of the development of bilateral ties.”

Looking back on her life, Queen Elizabeth II had gone through the trials and tribulations of a changing world. She grew up during the World War Two, acceded to the throne amid the Cold War and passed away in this COVID era. She had lived through times of war and times of peace, and witnessed many significant moments that reshaped the international landscape. Her whole life is part of human history.

Queen Elizabeth II has become a symbol of humility, friendship, kindness and stability.

Queen Elizabeth II, the longest reigning British monarch in history, died peacefully on September 8th, 2022, aged 96.

Good night.

China Mosaic  

Queen Elizabeth II: A Promoter of China-UK Friendship