Martechasia interviewed Neel Pandya, CEO – APAC at Pyxis One to get his insights about the role of marketing tools in APAC whitespace digital marketing.
Pyxis One is a global AI start-up that builds sophisticated AI infrastructure for marketing and business growth. Martechasia interviewed Neel Pandya, CEO – APAC at Pyxis One to get his insights about the role of marketing tools in APAC whitespace digital marketing.
How can marketing technology tools help APAC industry leaders, like you, in taking advantage of whitespace marketing in identifying new opportunities?
Many times, customers are unaware of a product or service until they come across it. And once they do, they often can get hooked to it! That is the beauty of whitespace marketing. Hence, it is up to us as brand owners to be proactive and identify what our customers are missing.
The APAC is an especially rewarding region for whitespace marketing. Simply because of the sheer universe, size and variety of demographics and psychographics that it consists of. So, when we are playing with this kind of an audience set, it becomes especially important to fall back on solid martech tools to help us identify the spaces.
In my experience, I have learned that martech tools that help with quick research and customer sentiment analysis can help us introduce new products into our advertisers existing consumption ecosystem. And it becomes more beneficial for all parties involved when your findings give birth to completely new innovations and products itself. Martech tools help us understand customers’ current level of satisfaction, identify where we are lacking, predict the success of new features or products and so much more!

What are the marketing technology tools you use in your company?
In my experience as an advertiser, we have used a variety of existing tools like GA, Facebook analytics, and others for regular marketing campaigns. But with my current role at Pyxis, we are happy to bring in AI over all these existing tools. We take a particularly keen interest in martech tools because we provide AI infrastructure for marketing and growth. Therefore, it becomes important to ensure that the martech tools our customers use are handy and integrate well with the AI environments we provide them with.
For example, we ensure a variety of communication and analytics tools are seamlessly integrated into our environment to help our clients leverage maximum benefit of our AI infrastructure. These tools integrate well and operate efficiently within our AI infrastructure environment to help us, and the brands that use our AI infrastructure, glean quick and real-time insights. These martech tools coupled with our own AI infrastructure make a solid foundation for our marketing and business growth strategy.
What are the challenges you have in using marketing technology tools?
A major problem arises when teams work in silos and use multiple types of tools to achieve the same goal. In such a situation data visibility, exporting, analysis and insight building can feel like fragmented experiences. Sometimes, different types of martech tools do not integrate well with each other, which contributes to broken experiences as well.
However, I would say the biggest challenge would be the technology’s inherent limitations. When a tool does not let me automate as many processes I would want to or does not allow me to conduct a specific type of analysis then I am forced to make my team hunt for another tool just to close that gap. Then we are essentially juggling multiple tools, each catering to a different gap. This can be a small limitation in comparison to the larger benefit it drives.
How much does your company value marketing technology?
At Pyxis One, we assign a great deal of importance to marketing technology in two different ways. One – our AI products are designed to help our customers rapidly scale up their marketing and growth. So, it becomes important for us to understand the popular martech tools in the market and how they can feed into our AI environment to give our customers the best experience.
Two – we experiment and play with a lot of tools ourselves to do our own marketing as well as to help us identify gaps and opportunities. I would say we place profound importance on martech tools, and we keep up with everything that is happening in the martech space.
Besides, I personally believe that AI technology for business growth is a natural progression of marketing technology. This new technology has far reaching implications for brands to use and develop never-before-seen marketing strategies for efficiency and scale.
Do you foresee using whitespace marketing in your company? How can it help with revenue growth?
AI infrastructure for marketing and growth is a burgeoning space, and the evolving landscape of this industry learns a lot of lessons from whitespace marketing. We can quickly learn and introduce features and solutions for our customers to help them drive incremental revenue and attain higher ROI. We can foresee needs and build features into our products early on. Whitespace marketing provides a starting point for innovation and if given enough room to grow, some of those might even be a breakthrough innovation. The secret of its success lies in picking the right ones to innovate!